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XYZZY- vintage geek gifts
& t-shirts


The following images are available on many different gift items and clothing.  Click on the images to see all the products available.
Vintage Geek
Vintage Geek
This design shows a Kaypro II computer and a screenshot of the 'dir' command.
"Windows? We don't need no stinkin' windows"

Adventure Game
Adventure Game
This one references one of the earliest computer games, "Colossal Cave Adventure". In particular, the text here brings back the memory of the frustrating "maze of twisty passages, all alike".
CP/M operating system
This design depicts a Kaypro II computer and a screenshot of the 'dir' command. CP/M is the old operating systems of many vintage computers.

  Everything from mugs to mousepads to posters to clothing... even doggie tee shirts.  The designs all feature my first computer- a Kaypro II - as the central image. They reference the 'ancient' CP/M operating system.  Great gifts for those of us that remember the first image files (usually scanned from a centerfold) that consisted of dots, dashes, asterisks, etc.


Longtime Gamer
Longtime Gamer

Another design that references the one of the earliest computer games, "Colossal Cave Adventure".

Originally a "cheat" word to speed up the game and get you into a section of the game that was further along, it is still used in some modern operating systems and games for those that are 'in the know' . It's a piece of computer history that might be around forever in computer usage.